Avengers: Endgame picks up after the events of Avengers: Infinity War, which saw the Avengers divided and defeated. Thanos won the day and used the Infinity Stones to snap away half of all life in the universe. Only the original Avengers - Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye remain, along with some key allies like War Machine, Ant-Man, Rocket Raccoon, Nebula, and Captain Marvel. Each of the survivors deals with the fallout from Thanos' decimation in different ways, but when an opportunity presents itself to potentially save those who vanished, they all come together and set out to defeat Thanos, once and for all
Jack Kirby
Release year: 2019
Cast: Chris Evans
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Atriebēji: Noslēgums DVDRip Full movie downloads. Thor became an idiot (constant comic relief) the Hulk became a wimp. Most characters had very little parts. The story line was jumbled. I had really high expectations and perhaps that is the reason for my disappointment. Atriebēji: noslēgums dvdrip full movie download mp4. Atriebēji noslēgums dvdrip full movie download mp4.
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